Something different: Der Schimmelreiter

As already announced with the release of “Under The Sun” you will read the name Michael Potthast more often in the context of BORN IN AFAR: Michael and I know each other for a very long time but didn’t had any contact in the last few years. This should change in autumn 2021. Michael is currently working on a bigger project in which he sets the novella “Der Schimmelreiter” by Theodor Storm to a musical and got in touch with me during his search for suitable singers. Meanwhile I was able to set a character to music and to complete the choir. It’s a really interesting project. The CD release is planned for spring/summer and I cannot wait for the final result!

During the recording process Michael and I noticed that we harmonise pretty well both personally and musically and already contrived many schemes for future BIA-songs. He will help me to realise my “Conservation EP” for instance. However, up next we work on a cover song whose studio recording is on my list for very long…

I’m really looking forward to many collaborations!